3 Key Takeaways From Neville Goddard’s Out Of This World


Neville Goddard’s book Out Of This World is one of the most mystical and eye-opening books I’ve ever read. In a previous post, I had said that Feeling Is The Secret was Neville Goddard’s best book but I think I’ve changed my mind.

Both books have very similar concepts but Feeling Is The Secret has some religious elements that may turn off some people. That is not the case at all with this book.

In Out Of This World, he only discusses how we can change our future by using our imagination and lucid dreaming. He also talks about how our dreams can show us previews of the future.

This is something that I always felt was possible even before I discovered Neville because there would be times when I dreamt about something before It happened in real life. This might sound crazy but I promise you If you make an effort to remember your dreams, the same thing will happen to you.

This book is filled with many powerful ideas that will open your mind to what’s truly possible in life. However, I’m only going to cover three of the most important lessons that I learned from this book.

Our Dreams Can Show Us The Future

http://Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/art-city-clock-clock-face-277458/

When we dream, we sometimes dream about events before they happen. This is known as precognitive dreaming which I discussed in my other post. Neville believed that our dreams are connected to a dimensionally larger world which could also be referred to as the fourth dimension.

In the fourth dimension, time does not exist and everything is happening at once. This is why we are able to see certain future events that have not occurred in our waking life yet.

There is a little problem with this ability though. Since there is no concrete time in the dream state, we will sometimes dream about separate events in time that get fused into one. This is outlined in a story that Neville shares in his book.

Neville’s Dream Of The Future

Neville gives an example where he dreamt that he delivered a package to the restaurant in his apartment building. As he was delivering the package to the restaurant, the hostess told him “You can’t leave that there” referring to the package.

After that, the daytime elevator operator in his building appeared and Neville thanked him for delivering his letters. The daytime elevator operator thanked Neville and then he saw the evening elevator operator wave at him moments later.

The next morning when Neville woke up, he left his apartment and picked up a few letters from his door. When he took the elevator down, he tipped the daytime elevator operator and the man thanked him.

On his way back home that day he overheard a doorman say to a delivery man “You can’t leave that there” just as he had heard in the dream. Then once he got into his apartment building, he made eye contact with the hostess at the restaurant and she smiled.

Later that night, he escorted his dinner guests out to the elevator and he said goodbye. That’s when the evening elevator waved goodbye just like his dream. Although the dream wasn’t an exact replica of reality, it still had all the same elements from the dream.

After this story, Neville then goes into detail about how we can use lucid dreaming to control the events we encounter in our waking lives.

You Can Change Your Future Through Lucid Dreams

http://Photo by Vusal Ibadzade from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-standing-inside-building-1393773/

Lucid dreaming can be used as a way to alter your future according to Neville. It sounds crazy but it makes sense. If normal dreams show us a preview of the future, what If we took control of the dream and made something else happen instead? That would mean we could alter our future.

Instead of just watching a scene as a bystander, we could consciously insert our own scene into the dream where we experience receiving our desire. For example, suppose you wanted to get a new car. You could become lucid in the dream and see yourself owning that new car.

It’s basically like doing visualization on steroids. If you construct a scene where you have your desire in a lucid dream, it will manifest into your waking reality. This is definitely something that is easier said than done. It’s tough to become lucid on most nights and to stay lucid long enough to construct the scene isn’t an easy feat either.

If you’ve struggled with lucid dreaming, you can check out my post on the MILD technique. I believe it’s one of the easiest ways to become lucid for beginners. If you have no interest in lucid dreaming at all, Neville has another method which is simply using your imagination instead.

Your Imagination Can Alter Your Future

Most of us use our imagination all of the time for random things. You might imagine what you will eat for dinner or something you want to buy. But did you know that you can actually use your imagination to alter your future? well, you can and it’s not that hard.

Neville lays out a simple technique that anyone can use to alter their future through imagination. I recommend that before you imagine anything you write down what you want first. Get a clear idea of exactly what you want to bring into your life. Nothing is off-limits here. Once you know what you want you can follow Neville’s technique to change your future:

  • Define your objective (Know exactly what you want)
  • Construct an event that you believe you will encounter following the fulfillment of your desire. (This event must be something you experience in first-person view)
  • Immobilize your physical body and induce a state akin to sleep (a very relaxed state with your eyes closed)
  • Mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action. Make it really feel like it’s happening here and now and not at some point in the distant future.

You can do this for five to ten minutes or go longer if you want to. The key to this is to only focus on one specific scene that implies you have what you want and then loop it in your mind.

Pick One Scene And Stick With It

If you want to manifest a new job, you could make a scene where your friends are congratulating you for getting hired and just repeat that scene over and over.

Neville says that if you don’t remain focused on one scene, you will heighten your chance of failure. Your subconscious needs a concrete picture of what you want before it can manifest it into reality.

You could make a schedule where you just focus on one scene per week and then alternate for different things you want to bring into your life. Really take the time to think about what you want to bring into your life before you do this.

If you’re having trouble imagining your scene, try picking a different time of day to do it. I found I was able to use my imagination much better right after I woke up in the morning. Experiment a bit and see which time of day works best for you.

I know that all of this might sound unbelievable but you will never know if it works unless you try it yourself. Your ability to use your imagination and lucid dream might just be more powerful than you think.

Let me know your thoughts!