3 Reasons Why Social Media Might Lead To Depression.


It seems like depression is on the rise now more than it has ever been in the history of our world and I believe the leading cause of it is social media. It seems to do more harm than good these days and i’m going to talk about why that has now become the case.

You might not agree with me but i think if apps like these disappeared people would honestly be a lot happier. The amount of online bullying that goes on and people casually throwing the idea that people should kill themselves just really boggles my mind.

There is no way anyone would never say these sort of things to a stranger in person so why the hell has it become so commonplace online? It’s because nothing will likely happen to them and this leads me to first point.

Social media allows others to bully you without any repercussions.

Pretty much every year a new story comes out about how someone committed suicide based on the comments they were receiving from strangers online. The bullies writing the comments don’t a give a shit what happens to that person because there will likely be no repercussions.

I think if you’re currently on social media and are constantly getting negative comments or hate just delete the app or disable comments.

A stranger has no place to tell you that you’re ugly, worthless or whatever mean thing that pops into their mind. They don’t know you at all so try not to take those type of comments to heart.

You just have to laugh at those people because it’s obvious they are not happy with themselves if they find pleasure in putting other people down.

Social media makes you compare yourself to others.

Every time you open up one of these social media sites you can’t help but compare your current situation to someone else’s. You see your friends or people you don’t know appearing to be living the happiest life ever and since your life isn’t the same you can’t help become dissatisfied about where you currently are.

In some cases it can be used as motivation but most of the time it can make you feel horrible about yourself. That’s the biggest problem with this whole thing because it creates unrealistic expectations for many people.

I have realized that these people only post the best parts of their life. They are never going to show you when they are sad or when they look like shit. But trust me, there is no one on this planet who is happy 24/7 and it is all just an illusion.

So that’s something you really have to take into consideration when you’re scrolling through these posts and start to feel bad about yourself.

Social media makes you compare “likes” to your self worth.

Another bad thing about social media is the fact that if your picture or video doesn’t get enough likes it can really have a substantial effect on your current mental state.

You start to think of all kinds of reasons in your mind as to why no one is liking your picture and most of the time you will end up thinking negatively of yourself.

We have to remember to never give that much importance to an app or website. If anything is causing you to feel bad about yourself you must remove it from your life and that includes social media apps. Only use it makes you happy and inspires you. Just because everyone else is using them it doesn’t mean you have to.

My main thought here is you shouldn’t give a damn about getting likes. Unless you are building some type of product or offering a service to people then that’s the only time it matters.

You can still live a fulfilling life without sharing it with everyone. If anyone calls you weird for not having it then that’s on them. Your number one priority should be your own happiness and if social media doesn’t make you happy then get rid of it today.

Let me know your thoughts!