5 Steps To Get Started With The Law Of Attraction.


Unless you’ve been chilling under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the law of attraction before. You might think it’s bull or you may believe that it totally works and based on my experience I believe that it’s a bit of both.

If you do actually have no clue what it is, then here is a brief explantation. The law of attraction is the belief that we create our own reality through our thoughts, imagination and feelings. Sound crazy? well it’s actually not that crazy because to some degree it’s true.

The only way to find out if something is actually true is to test it out for yourself and see. You can do all the research you want or simply just listen to naysayers but I urge you test it. After you follow the five steps below I guarantee you will prove to yourself that it works.

Step 1: Get clear on what you want to manifest.

In order to attract what you desire into your life you have to get clear on what you want. Take some time and think about every area of your life. What do you wish to change the most? What would make you happy? What kind of career would give you the most fulfillment? What kind of relationship do you want? etc.

This is the most important step of all because it will set you on the path towards attracting the things you desire. You can use your phone and record yourself talking about all the things you would want to bring into your life. This is just a brainstorming session so don’t worry about it being perfect.

Step 2: Start a manifestation journal and scrapbook.

After you’ve figured out what it is you want you must write it down in a notebook. You can have a section for career, love, health, etc. Fill it up with pictures from the internet or magazines to spice it up a little. It is okay to be very specific because it is your life and your dreams.

Your mind needs a clear direction so it can start attracting these things into your life. Go through your book when you wake up and before you go to sleep to really engrain this new life you’ve envisioned into your subconscious.

Step 3: Visualize The End Result

After you’ve found your pictures and written out your desires it is time to move on to visualizing. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed, put on some music or calming sounds and close your eyes.

You are going to want to visualize the END result of your manifestation. If it’s a car for example, visualize driving the car in first person or talking about it with your friends. Really conjure how you would actually feel if the car was actually yours.

Never visualize how you will get it because you will limit the power within you to bring it about in a faster way. There a million ways you could get this car. You could win the lottery, get an inheritance, have it gifted to you, the possibilities are endless.

All you have to do is see yourself owning it in your mind. The universe will put together a plan behind the scenes to make it appear in your reality. 

Step 4: Look out for synchronicity

After you get started on this manifestation in a couple days or weeks you will start to experience synchronicity. This is when the world will start to mirror back what you’ve been visualizing and you start to see repeating number sequences like 11:11,777, 888.

If you do quick google search on those repeating number you will see a TON of meanings for them. I personally believe they have a different meaning for every individual person, but that’s just me. Just know that when you start seeing those numbers you’re on the right path.

Also, with the car example you will begin to see your dream car driving everyone you go, hear people talking about the car and also see it popping up everywhere online. This mean that your order has been correctly placed and it will be yours very soon.

Step 5: Be patient and have faith!

The number ONE thing that will kill your manifestation is not having patience. Just because you haven’t received your desire within a day does not mean you’re not going to get it. It could take a week or it could take a couple years. It all depends on what you’re manifesting.

If you want to win a $70 million dollar for example, there’s no way that can happen within a day. You have to wait for it to reach that amount and that could take months since the jackpot is always resetting and many people want to win that amount as well. But it doesn’t mean you won’t win it, it’s just going to take longer.

All of your desires are like seeds and they take time to grow. As long as you keep watering them with positive thoughts and visualizations, it will only be a matter of time before your dream becomes a reality.

I recommend starting off with small things like manifesting a free cup of coffee, receiving a gift or getting a parking space. When these small manifestation come true, you will begin to have more faith in your ability and the bigger things will start to come easier.

If this helped you in anyway at all or if you have any more questions, please feel free to leave a comment below!

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