Investigating The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon & Manifestation


Have you ever had an experience before where you start to see something show up around you that you’ve been frequently thinking about?

For example, you buy a specific model of blue car and now you can’t help but see them all over the road every time you go out driving. This seems to be the most common one with most people.

You might think it’s just a coincidence or that something strange is going on so you probably hopped onto google to see if anyone else was experiencing the same thing.

You will most likely come across an explanation saying that it’s the frequency illusion, confirmation bias or the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. All of them are basically the same thing just with different names.

In this post I’m going to cover The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon and how I think there is more to it than what the definition suggests. What i believe we are actually experiencing is the connection between our subconscious minds and the outside world.

Most of the time we take scientific explanations as complete fact and don’t bother testing it out for ourselves to see if what they are saying is actually true. But before we get into my theory, let me explain exactly what the Baader-Meinhof phenomena is and how it started.

The Story Behind This Phenomena

The name Baader-Meinhof actually comes from a German terrorist group in the 1970’s that were also known as the Red Army Faction. According to my research someone posted in a forum back in the 90’s about constantly seeing the phrase “Baader-Meinhof” pop up everywhere after discovering them.

The person never saw this name anywhere before but now it just started to literally pop up everywhere they looked. They became curious if something magical was going on or if it was just a coincidence. It was later explained to just be something called the frequency illusion which was a termed created by a linguist named Arnold Zwicky at Stanford University in 2005.

People decided to just call it the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon because it was one of the best examples of the frequency illusion. Arnold’s definition of the frequency illusion is as follows:

The Frequency Illusion is a result of two well-known psychological processes, selective attention (noticing things that are salient to us, disregarding the rest) and confirmation bias (looking for things that support our hypotheses, disregarding potential counterevidence), which also contribute to the two group illusions, through the mediation of various social divisions between Us and Them (which make certain features salient to us)

This definition sounds like a pretty good explanation and it makes logical sense but i still believe there is much more to this process then what is being mentioned here.

This is not to say that confirmation bias and selective attention aren’t real processes in the brain but I’ve had plenty of experiences that have made me realize it is not that cut and dry.

There is more to this world than what we can currently explain through science and i’m going to cover why i think this explanation does not cut it.  Let’s start with my experiment.

The Yellow Beetle Experiment


I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that our outer world is a reflection of what we constantly think about within. It is a literal mirror and so many people are unaware that this is what is going on. 

I have done plenty of experiments that you could repeat to prove to yourself that this is the case. I personally tested it with setting the intention to see a yellow Volkswagon beetle that looked like the picture of above. I chose this car because it would be the easiest for me to notice.

I simply sat for a few minutes and visualized seeing this car while i was at home. Then I would have the thought in the back of my mind that i would see it, I didn’t think about how or when. Then just as I suspected i began seeing this car everywhere only after a few days.

This is not a car i typically see at all and before i did the experiment I hadn’t actually seen one in a very long time. This car is not really popular anymore and most people don’t drive it. When is the last time you’ve actually seen this car driving around?

Now to simply say that these cars have always been there but my brain has just been filtering them out is just a weak explanation. If that was the case they wouldn’t be suddenly showing up in my neighbourhood, speeding up beside me at traffic lights, parking right next to me when i go to the store and all these other weird scenarios.

There is no damn way these cars have “always been there” it’s just not possible. The weirdest part is that the moment you stop thinking about the car they are nowhere to be found! After I stopped focusing on it they have disappeared from my neighbourhood.

I never see them on the road now either. This is how I know our subconscious mind is connected to the outer world and mirrors to us what we dwell upon most of the time. 

So here is a step by step guide you can follow to prove that it is your mind that creates reality and it’s more than just a psychological process occurring within our brains. 

  • Pick an object or thing that you don’t typically see on a daily basis. 
  • Visualize seeing the object in first person for a few minutes with your eyes closed. 
  • Think about seeing the object but don’t go looking for it. 
  • Relax and watch the magic happen. 

This experiment will open your eyes and make you become more aware of what is actually going on. It is more than just your brain seeking out patterns and the only way you will discover this is if you test it for yourself. 

Everything you think about and dwell upon in your mind right now will manifest into this physical reality at some point in the future. So with this new information make sure keep your thoughts only on what you want to attract into your life. 

Only think thoughts of wealth, love, peace an joy as much as possible and watch how your life will begin to change. You may still think it is BS but what is the harm in trying? there is nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Let me know your thoughts!