Why Feeling Is The Secret Is The Most Important Book Ever


This book I’m about to tell you about is what I personally believe to be one of the most important books that has ever been written. It should be on everyone’s list who has an interest in changing their life.

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard is a one of a kind book that is unlike anything I’ve read before. Everything he talks about in this book is just so different from the typical things you hear when it comes to manifestation. I’m not really going to go into the backstory of who Neville Goddard was but if you’re interested you can find it all right here.

The whole premise of this book is about how to use your feelings, thoughts and imagination to completely change your reality. He tries to get you to come to the understanding that everything you experience in your life is created in another plane of existence first and then brought here for you to experience in this world.

Nothing in your life happens randomly, it is all pre-planned in another dimension. I know this sounds insane and if that doesn’t make any sense to you right now don’t worry. I’m going to break down each chapter of the book so you can get a better understanding.

Chapter 1: The Law Of Consciousness & It’s Operation

The first chapter is about the law of consciousness and how it works. In order to use the law of consciousness properly you have to understand the relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the male portion of consciousness and the subconscious is the female portion. So if you want to manifest something into this world (a desire) the male has to impregnate the female in order for it to happen. This law can easily be compared to the creation of a baby.

Anything that is impressed upon your subconscious mind with your conscious mind will eventually birth itself into existence. So for example, if you spend all your time consciously thinking about getting sick, it will become implanted into your subconscious and you will become sick at some point in time. 

How you are feeling also plays an important role in impressing the subconscious as well. If you start feeling bad about something, your subconscious will also take that as an order to bring more things into your life to make you feel bad.

As for what that exact thing will be? there is no way to know. Neville says that the subconscious transcends reason and will bring about whatever situation it sees fit to get the job done.

Another example could be that you get angry that someone cut you off in traffic and you end up dwelling on that for most of the day. Then later that day you end up breaking your phone screen or stubbing your toe. You may think those two incidents are unrelated but behind the scenes your subconscious was looking for more ways to get you angry because that’s what you were dwelling on.

That is why it is so important to monitor your feelings and make sure you’re not dwelling on anything negative. Your subconscious is always working to bring about events and circumstances into your life 24/7.

Neville also mentions that you shouldn’t suppress your feelings but just be disciplined with them. If you don’t want something bad to happen to you or someone else don’t dwell on it happening.

Instead dwell on what it would be like to feel healthy, wealthy and loved. Here is a direct quote from Neville in this chapter that is very important. Make sure you write this down somewhere and don’t forget it.

“What you feel you are, always dominates what you would like to be; therefore to be realized, the wish must be felt as a state that is, rather than a state that is not. Sensation precedes manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests”

In this quote he is saying that when you feel what it would be like to have what you want right now, that is the key to manifesting your desire quicker. You have to sit and contemplate this question “How would i feel if i had _____ “ and then go from there.

Absolutely nothing happens to you by chance or accident. It is all brought about by a feeling first and you have to remember that. Becoming a master of your thoughts and feelings should be your ultimate goal from here on out.

I know how tough that sounds but you must do it if you want to see any change in your life. In the next chapter, Neville provides you with another way you can properly impress your subconscious mind with your desire and that is through sleep.

Chapter 2: Sleep

We spend one third of our lives sleeping and most people aren’t using sleep to their advantage at all. Every night when we go to sleep it is like we are going to order something off an online store.

You have the option to choose what you want to order by your feeling and when you hold onto that feeling right before drifting off, your order is placed. Then the whole delivery process begins and it could take a day, week, month, year to come into your life. The exact timing can never be determined but as long as you fall asleep feeling like you’ve accomplished your goal, it will happen.

For example if you want to be married you would feel what it would be like to have the ring on your finger and then simply fall asleep. This little act when performed each night will sink into your subconscious mind and then it will actively work to make sure you find someone who will marry you. You don’t have to go out and look for someone, the situation will come about naturally for you to meet that specific person.

You have to make it a goal to never go to sleep feeling dissatisfied or discouraged no matter what happened during the day. It doesn’t matter if you lost your job, car broke down or you got into an argument.

You have to go to sleep feeling as though everything is perfect despite all appearances. It’s not gonna be easy but if you really want to see a change in your daily life you have to make a consistent effort.

Neville specifically says “do not let your past be the dictator of your life” and this is another important quote. A lot of people think they are stuck where they are forever based on past experiences but this is not the case. According to Neville literally nothing is impossible to consciousness and you should imagine way beyond your expectations.

Instead of imagining getting a job that pays $20 an hour why not imagine a job that pays $100 an hour? Do not put any limits on what you desire. Whatever you have in mind you can bring it into your life as long as you feel it to be real.

There seems to be one thing Neville is repeatedly trying to drill into our heads in this chapter. It is that the two thirds of our life that we spend awake is determined by the one third we spend sleeping.

We all think we have free will and that nothing is predetermined. But it is predetermined because everything we experience during the day is based on how we felt about ourselves right before going to sleep.

We just never know how the subconscious is going to bring about a certain feeling into our life. Suppose you’re in a relationship and you continuously fall asleep feeling like your partner is going to leave you. The subconscious will go ahead and make something happen to make your partner leave you based on that feeling. It sounds scary but this is the reality

While you are awake you do have the free will to choose your thoughts and your feelings. If your dominant thoughts during the day are good and your dominant feeling is good before sleep you are golden. Your subconscious will literally go to work to bring conditions and events into your life that will confirm these feelings. Here is another important quote directly from the book.

“Sleep is the door into heaven. What you take in as a feeling you bring out as a condition, actions or object in space. So sleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. As in consciousness, so on earth.”

Chapter 3: Prayer

If you happened to grow up with religion in your life at all I can bet you’ve prayed for something at some point. The typical way you’re told to pray is to kneel down with your hands clasped, close your eyes and then ask for what you want.

It may sound something like “please God give me the strength to get through this” or “God, please heal me from this sickness”. I used to do this when i was younger but it never seemed to work. I had so many prayers go unanswered in my life so that’s what eventually led to me not believing in anything.

I just didn’t understand why when I tried to talk to this so-called all powerful being I would get no response. But after reading this chapter things started to really make sense. Neville teaches you the proper way to pray and you will quickly discover that you’ve been doing it wrong this whole time.

Prayer is believing that you already have what you desire regardless of what’s happening in the outside world. When you pray for something you have to really believe that you already have it. 

This is the hardest thing to do for most people. The reason why prayers don’t get answered is because we don’t even believe we can get what we’re praying for.

The goal of prayer is to influence your subconscious mind with your desire, there is not a God sitting there listening to your every wish. It is your own mind that you have to convince so you can get what you desire.

These are the steps on how to properly pray for something: 

  • Lie down on your bed flat with your head level with your body.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are sleepy.
  • Say to yourself, “I am sleepy, so sleepy, so very sleepy” and really feel it. 
  • Keep repeating the above step until you are completely relaxed.
  • Now close your eyes imagine what you desire to achieve in life in picture form.
  • Really feel that you have already achieved it and just hold that feeling for a while.
  • After a few minutes, open your eyes and go on with your day.

That is the true process of how to properly pray for something. When you see the end in your own mind and really feel like you’ve accomplished it, that’s all you have to do.

During the day keep reminding yourself that you’ve seen the end already so there’s nothing to stress about. The way to get your desire will be revealed to you in a completely natural way. Do not bother trying to figure out how its going to happen. Imagine the end scene and just chill, that is the real way to pray.

Chapter 4: Getting into the feeling or spirit of your desire.

The final chapter pretty much repeats the same message he’s been saying from the beginning. You have to capture the feeling that would be yours if you already had what you desire.

Really take some time to think about how you would feel if you had that new job, relationship, new home, etc. The more consistently you hold on to the feeling that your wish has been granted, your reality will have no choice but to mirror that back to you.

He uses the word faith and feeling synonymously because they basically mean the same thing. Faith is believing in what you can’t see and when you feel something before it happens it works the same way. Another thing he mentions which might be hard for some people to grasp is that you have to believe you are God instead of believing in God.

When you live in the feeling that you are God you will start to come to the understanding that absolutely nothing is impossible for you. You don’t pray to something above in the clouds, God is already inside of you.

It’s not complicated but i get it can be tough when you’ve been told the opposite for your entire life. The only way to prove that what he’s saying is real is to test it out for yourself.

Every night you must fall asleep feeling like you already have what you want and during the day remain in that feeling as much as possible. If you follow this formula for the rest of your life, then absolutely nothing can stop you from living the life of your dreams.

Let me know your thoughts!