How I Got Started With Lucid Dreaming


About 11 years ago my Grandma passed away from cancer and it was one of the toughest moments of my life. If you’ve ever experienced the death of someone close to you then you can relate. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that I would never see her again. It just didn’t make any sense.

She was such a prominent figure in my childhood and she was basically like a second mother to me. I was always told that i would see her again someday in “heaven” but I didn’t want to wait that long and I didn’t really believe in the idea of heaven.

The Research Phase Begins


So i started to research ways that you could talk to the deceased instead of just believing i would see her when i die. It sounds crazy but I just had to see if there was anything I could do. I found a lot of weird things during my research but once I came across lucid dreaming I knew this was the way to go about doing it.

When I was a kid I used to have random dreams where I could control what happened but I never actually knew there was a name for it. Then that’s when i began to really get into lucid dreaming. It was for the sole purpose of entering a dream where I could see my grandma again.

I meet my grandma in a lucid dream.


Sure enough after a few weeks of practicing, I was finally able to become lucid in one of my dreams. As soon as I became lucid, I began searching for my grandma. I just walked around in the dream yelling out “Grandma, come visit me!” It took awhile before she appeared but after a minute or two there she was.

It was surreal seeing her again face to face. The last time I physically saw her, her body was riddled with cancer and she could barely move. In the dream she was vibrant and full of energy like nothing had happened at all. It was amazing to see.

It felt like I was actually there with her and she was alive again. I gave her a big hug and told her that I missed her and all she did was smile. It was a short dream but after that one moment I knew that we can see anyone who’s passed on anytime we want.

Whether we are actually visiting them on the spiritual plane or if it’s all in our mind doesn’t really matter. The experience feels so real and i can’t think of a better way to cope with their death.

What I hope people learn from this story.


I think that if more people knew about this, then the grieving process would be so much easier. It helped me release so much sadness and helped me move forward in my life knowing that I could now see her at any time.

This is why i want to spread the practice of lucid dreaming to everyone I know. It truly is a life changing skill and it can completely change the way you look at life. You will start to come to the realization that there is more to life than just this physical waking world and we have access to it every night.

If you have someone in your life who has passed on that you would like to see again, I encourage you to give lucid dreaming a try. You will be so happy that you did. If you have any questions about this please feel free to leave a comment down below.

Let me know your thoughts!