How To Change Your Reality Through Dream Programming


There is a technique called dream programming where you can create specific dreams that will have a significant impact on your waking life. You can program your dreams to improve your health, relationships, money, career or wherever else you seek improvement. All of these positive thoughts and affirmations don’t even come close to providing the same power as a programmed dream.

A programmed dream can literally shift you into a new reality within days instead of months or years. Since you have the closest connection to your subconscious mind in the dream state, it is much easier to influence it there and change your reality in the outside world. The technique is simple and all it requires you to do is just brainstorm some areas of your life you want to change.

How Dream Programming Works

dream programming

Your mind is a lot like a computer. Computers work and get things done because they are programmed to do so. Instead of using code as computers do, you’re going to use something called repetitive suggestions also known as autosuggestion. This basically means you are going to repeat a phrase over and over to yourself mentally until you fall asleep. That’s how you program a dream.

If your problem is that you’re unhappy most of the time while your awake, you would repeat this phrase until you fall asleep: “I will have dreams tonight that cure my unhappiness and make me feel happy and contented and I will remember them when I wake up”. To make it easier, you can create a recording of yourself saying this phrase and just have it on a loop the entire night. It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep, you’re subconscious mind will still hear the suggestion and create that type of dream for you.

That’s basically it, you create a suggestion of “I will have dreams tonight that will (insert problem here) and I will remember it when I wake up”. You might end up having the dream you desire after the first night or it may take several nights. But you must persist until you experience what you want in your dreams.

I promise you that after one of these dreams you will feel like a new person. You will start to believe that you can do anything and your mood will shift drastically.

How This Technique Helped Me Manifest A Relationship

A few years ago I wanted to experiment with this technique for manifesting a relationship. So I made a recording of myself saying “I will have dreams tonight that attract the ideal partner into my life”. I would then have it play on a loop until I fell asleep. After a few days, I started to have these dreams where I was already in a relationship with someone and it made me become convinced that it would happen in real life.

It took almost a year before I ended up meeting the person in real life and it happened in the most natural way. I didn’t have to force it or have to do anything to make it happen. That’s the beauty of these programmed dreams. It really makes you feel like what you desire has already manifested which is so important when it comes to changing your reality.

This technique is not hard and can really be used to solve any problem you have in your waking life. I highly recommend you try it out because you really have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

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