How To Contact Anyone Through Their Dreams

contact anyone through their dreams

There is a technique you can use to contact anyone through their dreams and it is called subjective communication. This technique was actually discovered by José Silva who was a pioneer in discovering the psychic abilities that humans have within them.

The technique is really simple and all you have to do is focus on the other person while they are in the alpha state. The alpha state is a brainwave state you go into where you are very relaxed, in meditation or in a light sleep. It doesn’t matter where this person is on the planet, you will be able to contact them and they will get your message.

How The Technique Works

contact anyone through their dreams
Photo by Merlin Lightpainting:

As you are going to sleep at night, you will be programming your subconscious mind to wake you up when your mind is in contact with the other person’s mind. You simply say this phrase “I will wake up when I am in mental contact with (whoever) and I will remember why I have woken up“.

You should repeat this around 10 times or more until you fall asleep. I would say that it’s easier to make a recording of yourself saying it and then just drift off to sleep while it plays. However, the wording has to change a bit if you make a recording. You would instead say “you will wake up when you are in mental contact with (whoever) and you will remember why you have woken up“.

There’s a reason you have to remind yourself why you have woken up and it’s because you might think something random woke you up and forget what you’re doing. That’s what happened to me a few times and I got so frustrated.

You can apply this same technique to a group of people as well. You would just change the wording to “I will wake up when I am in contact with the greatest number of my targeted group and I will remember why I have woken up”. There’s no limit to the number of people you can use this for.

How To Make Contact

contact anyone through their dreams
Photo by Merlin Lightpainting:

After you get up in the middle of the night, you’re going to want to get out of bed and freshen up a bit. You can rinse your face with some cold water or drink a glass of water. I would also recommend turning on a dimly lit light. This is so you don’t immediately fall asleep again before you send out your message.

Once you get back into bed, relax your mind and say “I will remain awake until after I have finished communicating with (insert person’s name here)“. Keep repeating this over and over. Once you feel totally relaxed start talking with the person or group in a positive way.

Mentally see yourself talking to the other person in first person view and see them nodding in agreement to whatever you say. Clearly visually a happy and positive outcome to the meeting and thank them for listening. After that, you just drift off to sleep

If you continue to think about the person as you’re going to sleep, make sure you control your thoughts very carefully. Any negative thoughts may get through to them and undo the work you have just done. Always make sure to visualize a happy positive outcome for everyone involved and you shouldn’t have any bad thoughts creep up.

What Happens After You Make Contact

contact anyone through their dreams
Photo by Merlin Lightpainting:

After you make contact, the person will probably reach out to you very soon and let you know they had a dream about you. If the person does not contact you, it doesn’t mean that the communication didn’t work. They still could have had thoughts or dreams about you but are too afraid to reach out. It all depends on the subject matter of your message.

If you decide to reach out to them first, you will find that they will be more open and the conversation will go the way you want. It may take a few tries to get this technique right but you will have success with it if you don’t give up. I would say to try it for a couple of days and then give it a rest for a week. Since this technique interrupts your sleep at night, you will end up being way too drained if you do it all the time.

Examples of How To Contact Anyone Through Their Dreams

contact anyone through their dreams
Photo by Merlin Lightpainting:

Use It Get Money That’s Owed To You

Suppose someone owes you or your business money. You could use this technique to communicate how much better they would feel if they paid you. You would just visualize them nodding in agreement with you and writing you a cheque for the full amount you’re owed.

Use It to Get a Job

This technique also works great for job interviews as well. You would just run through the process normally but this time you say “(insert interviewer’s name here), you know I am the best person for the job. I have all the qualifications and by employing me you will make life easier for yourself. I am exactly the right person for this job and you will find me very efficient, reliable, and easy to get along with..etc“.

You would want to say this entire message as if you were sitting right in front of them. At the end of your message, see them shaking your hand and congratulating you on getting the job.

Use It To Attract a Relationship

You could also use this technique to attract a new partner into your life. It doesn’t only with people you know, it works with strangers as well. You would just picture the general appearance of the person you are looking for. Then you would project your own general appearance and your requirements. You want to avoid all sexual overtones and only project friendship. This will start the process of bringing that person into your life.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways you could use this technique. You might be worried that this is some sort of mind control but it’s not. You are simply changing how people view you by using your subconscious mind, which is something you already do naturally but you’re not aware of it.

The only thing you are controlling is what you are broadcasting to the people you come across in your life. If you only broadcast/visualize happy outcomes for the people you communicate with, everyone will benefit from it in the end. Test it out for yourself and see.

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