How To Have A Lucid Dream In 5 Simple Steps.


If this is the first time you’ve ever heard about lucid dreaming you’re probably not alone. It’s not something that is widely talked about but it one of the most powerful abilities we have has human being. In short, lucid dreaming is the ability to become conscious while your dreaming and take control of how your dream plays out.

Instead of just having random dreams where you are only a spectator, you will become fully immersed and it will feel like it is actually happening in real life. It is one of the most powerful abilities we have as humans and once you learn it your life will change forever.

Step 1: Create a dream journal

In the morning when you wake up, lay still for about five minutes and try to recall everything you can from your dreams. After that you want write down the date and a brief description of each dream. 

The simple act of writing down your dreams when you wake up has a profound effect on your ability to recall them. Being able to recall your dreams is essential in the development of your lucid dreaming ability.

Step 2: Start doing reality checks

a picture of hands

A reality check is checking to see if you’re dreaming while you’re awake. The most common reality check lucid dreamers use is looking at their hands during the day and asking the question “am i dreaming”. 

Making this a habit during the day will make it become a habit within your dreams. You will then find your dream self questioning the dream scene which will usually trigger a lucid dream. 

Step 3: Use the MILD technique

man with eyes closed in field.

The MILD technique is the most popular technique for beginners and it stands for Mnemonic-Induced-Lucid-Dream. This is very simple and it just involves saying an affirmation to yourself before you fall asleep. 

Repeat the phrase “tonight while I am dreaming I will realize I’m dreaming”. Do this a few times until you fall asleep and after a few nights you are very likely to trigger a lucid dream.

Step 4: How to stay lucid

man standing on water looking at mountains.

Once you become lucid the hardest part is staying lucid. It is very easy to slip back into a normal dream after you start exploring the dream world for a few minutes.  

The best way to remain lucid is by rubbing your hands together and focusing on different objects in the dream. This will help ground you in your new dream environment. 

Step 5: Believe in yourself

man sitting on mountain looking at clouds

In order to truly experience your first lucid dream you have to believe you can do it. You might not do it the first night or even within the first week but you must keep believing it will happen.

The mind has a way of blocking you from achieving your goal when you don’t have any belief that it will work. If it can work for me it can easily work for you.

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