How To Manifest A Marriage: The Neville Goddard Way


The older I get, the more I desire being married to someone for the rest of my life. Maybe I’m just old fashioned or maybe you might feel the same way. But it seems like marriage is kind of dying with this new generation.

In the United States 40% of marriages end in divorce which is quite high and in other countries around the world it is even higher. My parents got divorced when I was younger and I didn’t really understand why at the time.

But after learning about how our subconscious mind shapes the reality around us, it all started to make sense. I believe the reason most marriages fail is because of the subconscious beliefs held by each person.

If either person holds subconscious beliefs that they are unworthy of the marriage and don’t believe it will last, then it won’t. If either person holds beliefs that their partner is unfaithful, untrustworthy, abusive or anything else negative, the marriage will crumble.

If you want to manifest a long lasting happy marriage, it is essential to get your subconscious beliefs in order first. If you don’t do that, no one you meet will be a life long partner. That is why i’m determined to manifest my marriage the way Neville Goddard suggests in his lectures.

If this is your dream too it can become a reality if you practice what you read here today. So come on this journey with me and let’s take a look at some of the techniques mentioned by our friend Neville.

How to act as if you’re already married.

So if marriage is something we truly desire to have, we have to first think about how we would feel if we were already married. Neville makes the suggestion that you can wear a physical or imaginal wedding ring on your finger as you drift off to sleep.

Then as you are laying there in bed, twist the wedding ring on your finger or imagine taking it off and putting it back on. At the same time you can imagine your wife or husband laying next to you. Really feel like there is someone laying next to you in your bed.

Another way you could assume the feeling, is by thinking about what kind of responsibility you would have now that you’re married. Here are a few suggestions.

  • Put out a second plate when you make your dinner
  • Buy different type of clothing that you would wear if you were married
  • Visualize talking with your friends about your wife or husband

The idea behind this whole thing is to convince your subconscious mind that it has already happened. Your subconscious doesn’t recognize the difference between something that is fake or real. So the more you act like it is already here, the faster it will come to fruition in your reality.

We can take a look at some of the stories mentioned by Neville to get a better idea of how this all actually works.

A woman finds the perfect husband within one month.

There was a woman who had been divorced for 19 years and was also in massive debt. She really wanted to change her life and thought about what she could do to make that happen. So one day she went over to her friends place and shared that her biggest goal was to be married and out of debt. 

Her friend then made her brainstorm all the qualities she would want in a husband. She said she wanted qualities like gentleness, kindness , attentiveness, honesty etc. After that, they did a mock ceremony where she put on a ring and her friend repeated the phrase “I now pronounce you man and wife”.

After the ceremony, they both promised to sleep in the state as if the marriage had actually occurred that day. They did this consistently for a month and then one day a man came into her friends work place.

He asked her if she was planning on going on vacation and she said that she might be going to a place called the high sierra’s. It turns out that the man owned a hotel up there and he invited her and her friend.  

So the woman and her friend went on the trip and her friend introduced her to this random man. They talked for awhile and he told the woman that he would never marry again due to his previous failed marriage.

After that conversation, she went to her friend and said she was giving up on the whole marriage dream. But her friend kept her on track. She said “you are happily married, so we are not going to discuss this”. She kept reminding her that she already slept every night with the feeling of having a wonderful husband, so it was already done. There was no need to worry about it.

Basically what she was doing was telling her not to accept reality and to just keep the faith. Eventually that same man she met that day, completely changed his mind and they got married to each other! This story just goes to show the power of holding positive subconscious beliefs. It doesn’t matter if things don’t appear to be going your way in the external world, as long as you hold to the vision of what you want, it will happen.

A woman meets her husband on a blind date. 

There was a woman who was introduced to a man through a mutual friend. They went on one date and she had a gut feelings that this man was meant to be her future husband. The mutual friend ended up moving away and she lost contact with the man she had a date with. So she decided to go on a few dates with some other people but none of them lived up to the first guy.

After many disappointing dates she became determined to get this guy back into her life. She decided to try out Neville’s technique of feeling like she was already married to him. She would go to her bed and feel as though she was in a different bed in her own home as a married woman.

At the time she was living with her friends in an apartment so it felt very strange for her to do this. She would also twist an imaginary wedding band on her left hand and repeat “this is wonderful, I really am Mrs. J.E”. J.E were the initials of the man she met on the blind date.

She repeated this process for one month every night. At the beginning of the next month the man found her. They went on a second date but she still had no clue how the man felt towards her so she continued on with her imaginary scene.

A month after that the man proposed to her and within a few months they became officially married. Isn’t that incredible? she completely lost contact with the man but she still ended up marrying him.

This should mean that it’s possible for us to choose any person we want and as long as we sleep in the state that we’re already with them, it will happen. I personally don’t know if that’s possible but Neville states many times that anything is possible with your imagination. All we have to do is test it for ourselves and see.

Neville uses his imagination to become happily married

Neville got married to his first wife when he was 18 and then became a father at 19. He separated from his wife shortly after he turned 19 but never actually got a divorce from her. Unfortunately his separation was not legal in New York so he was stuck in a tough situation.

About 16 years later he fell in love again and wanted to marry this new woman but he couldn’t due to his previous marriage. So he decided to use his imagination to make the marriage a reality.

Every night before he fell asleep he would imagine that he was happily married. He would simply assume that his new wife was sleeping in the bed next to him in his hotel room. He did this for about a week and then something insane happened.

He randomly got a call from someone saying that he had to appear in court to testify for his first wife. He actually thought it was a hoax at first but they assured him that it was real. He then went down to the courthouse and found out she had shoplifted something from a store.

He spoke on her behalf and said that she was a good woman and this was completely out of character for her. The judge ended up giving her a lighter sentence and things worked out in her favour. She was so happy with Neville that she agreed to sign the divorce paperwork so he could finally get married to his new girlfriend.

The craziest thing about this story is that Neville hadn’t seen his first wife in 16 years but as soon as he used his imagination she showed up within a week. The way she came back was just so unpredictable as well.

The main takeaway here is that you shouldn’t ever worry about how something will happen. Just visualize your end goal, feel like it is already done and your subconscious will make it happen for you.

The law works in mysterious ways

This is the whole point that Neville is trying to make with using your imagination to get what you desire. He says that once you assume that you already have what you desire, the whole world will transform to make it a reality.

Your subconscious mind knows ways to get things done that you could never possibly come up with. Something compelled his wife to shoplift that day and that was the domino effect that led to Neville getting his desire.

He says that because God is inside all of us, we are all connected. Your personal desire is also God’s desire so it has to work through people to get the job done. There always seems to be some greater meaning behind everything we do. We’re all manifesting constantly and our assumptions about reality are what bring things into existence.

I hope these stories inspired you to take a chance on manifesting a marriage. I’m going to take bits and pieces from each of the stories and try it out for myself. If you have any insights about these stories or if you have any experience with manifesting a marriage, feel free to comment down below.

Let me know your thoughts!