How Your Beliefs Are Holding You Back: 7 Important Quotes From Seth


If you have been struggling in life, a simple change in your beliefs might be what’s missing according to these 7 important quotes from Seth. I recently finished reading The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts and it has to be one of the most eye-opening books I’ve come across in a long time.

It goes into great detail about how our beliefs can hold us back in many different areas of life. The information in this book was given to Jane by a non-physical entity named Seth who connects with her when she goes into a trance state.

Throughout this book, Seth echoes a lot of other spiritual teachings but the way it’s explained is done in such a profound way. There are endless quotes in this book that made me look at life differently but I’m only going to share the 7 quotes that stuck out to me the most.

There is nothing in your experience that did not originate within you


Everything you experience in the outer world comes from within you. Whether it be good or bad, all your life experiences originate inside you. Our thoughts, feelings, and mental pictures in one way or another will materialize into physical reality. This is why it’s important to examine your current beliefs so you don’t bring unwanted experiences into your life.

If you accept the idea that the reasons for your behavoir are forever buried in the past of this life, or any other, then you will not be able to alter your experience until you change that belief


If you believe that all your current problems are the result of something you did in a past life or this life, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Your future does not have to be dictated by your past experiences unless you hold that belief. You have the option to change your beliefs in the present moment which will then change your life in the future.

Regardless of the nature of your beliefs they are indeed made flesh and material


It doesn’t matter what you believe, be it positive or negative because it will become a reality. If you believe the world is evil you will attract events that seem evil. Nothing in your world happens by accident. It’s up to you to examine your mind on a daily basis and make sure you are choosing thoughts and beliefs that will attract positive experiences into your life.

New belief in the present , can cause changes in the past on a neuronal level


Since the past, present, and future are all happening simultaneously, changing your beliefs in the present can literally alter your past self. If you believe you have an illness in the present, that belief will reach back into the past and initiate biological events that give birth to your present disease. This applies to all other areas of life as well. All versions of you are affected by your beliefs in the present.

To look backward for the source of current problems can lead you into the habit of seeking only negative episodes from your past and prevent you from experiencing it as a source of pleasure


Many of us have the belief that that were are at the mercy of past events. If you make a habit of searching for what was wrong in the past, you become blind to what was right. You should instead make it a habit to use your past only as a source of motivation. Since everything that happened in your past was only a result of your beliefs at the time, your future will be different if you change your beliefs in the present moment.

When you are trying to alter your beliefs, look through your past with new conceptions in mind


If you want to truly alter your beliefs, you have to look at your past with a new set of lenses. For example, if you currently feel unloved. Search through your past for proof of when you felt love and nothing else. This will cause your reality to shift in the present moment and bring more love into your life because that’s what you’re focused on.

You perform habitually in certain manners as a result of your beliefs


Whether you like it or not your current beliefs form your habits. If you have an underlying belief that you are a failure you will not create any habits that benefit you. The way to create a new beneficial habit is by performing a small action that aligns with your new belief.

If you believe that you are poor, you will have habits that reinforce that belief and continue to keep you poor. If you instead believe that you are abundant, you can make a habit of simply giving a small amount of money away. This will alter your core belief over time and will magnetize more abundance into your life.

The number one thing you should take away from these quotes is that your beliefs shape the world around you. You don’t have to cling to any certain belief in life if it’s not benefiting you at all. It’s up to you now to examine your current beliefs and see if they are holding you back or helping you advance in life.

I suggest buying The Nature Of Personality if you want a really in-depth guide on changing your beliefs. It has become one of my favorite books and one I will likely go back to for years to come.

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