How Synchronicity Can Help You Manifest Your Desires


Has there ever been a moment in your life where you’ve experienced something that couldn’t possibly be just a coincidence? well you’re not alone. There is actually a word to describe that exact scenario and it is called synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a term that was first coined by a psychologist named Carl Yung back in 1988. It’s when two unrelated events occur that appear to be connected by something more than chance. Synchronicity can also be thought of as the visible signal that we are connected to a greater stream of intelligence than ourselves.

Synchronicity acts like a guidance system that lets you know when you’re on the right path. The most common form of synchronicity is what people call angel numbers.

They are repeated numbers sequences that carry a personal meaning behind them. It’s almost like a form of computer code and each piece of code might have different meanings for everyone.

For example, if you program into your mind that every time you see 666 something bad will happen, then something bad will happen based on your belief about that number.

There could also be another person who believes that 666 is good luck and when they see it, good things happen. It’s all about what you program into your mind and your beliefs.

So with that said, I will give you a list of the most common meanings people have associated with these number sequences and see if they resonate with you.

The meaning behind angel numbers

If you’ve ever caught yourself looking at the clock exactly at 11:11 more than once you’ve already experienced synchronicity.

There’s something inside of us that makes us compelled to look at the clock at that specific time. It’s that inner programming that we most likely inherited from previous generations.

It could also been something that was incorporated into our brains to alert us of incoming danger. I don’t think anyone knows for sure but I think it’s interesting to think about.

Here are some of the most common meanings people have associated with angel numbers.

000 â€“ You are one with the universe. Remember how powerful you are.

111 or 11:11 â€“ Pay attention to your thoughts. Anything you think in this moment, will manifest in the future.

222 â€“ Have faith & patience. Do not give up, the universe will deliver!

333 â€“ You are awakening to your true purpose in this life. Share your gifts with others.

444 â€“ You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Do not doubt the process or worry!

555 â€“ The change you desire is coming your way shortly. (Money,Job, Relationship).

666 â€“ Your current thoughts are out of alignment with your subconscious desires. Get balanced. 

777 â€“ Your luck is high right now and you’re manifestation is coming. Forget about time and expect a miracle.  

888 â€“ Abundance is on it’s way to you right now in all forms. Money, love, health.

999 â€“ Your old way of life is coming to an end, expect a massive change!

After reading that you may think this is all a bunch of new age garbage, serious delusion or you may have already been seeing these numbers in your own life and know what i’m talking about.

Many people will say this is all just confirmation bias but I really think there is something to these numbers based on my personal experience.

I’m going to specifically focus on the number 777 and it’s relation to luck. These numbers sequences are very real and what sealed my belief was when I won $70 on a scratch ticket.

How 777 got me $70

It all started when I had a desire to win some money on a scratch ticket. I had no particular ticket in mind and no specific amount I wanted to win.

I just wanted to prove it was possible to myself. So I sat down, closed my eyes and visualized what it would feel like to win. I knew I would feel happy and that I would likely tear up from joy so that’s what I did before I won.

After a few days I stopped focusing on that feeling and visualizing about the win. I just knew deep down that it was already done.

Then one day while I was out driving on the highway, a car sped up and went into my lane. I noticed it had a license plate 7777 and I suddenly had this strong urge to go stop somewhere and buy a ticket.

I turned off at the nearest exit and went to a gas station. I went up to the counter and looked down at the tickets. After a few seconds my eyes immediately locked to a ticket called ruby red 7’s.

I bought the ticket, left the store and went back to my house. Each section I scratched out on the ticket was a winner and I ended up winning $70!

It may not sound like a lot but that’s the most I had ever won a scratch ticket. I found it very odd that the ticket was called ruby red 7’s as well. You can see how everything was related to 7’s which is kind of spooky.

After the experience of winning on that ticket, I knew there had to be something to these angel numbers. Have you ever noticed the number that is most associated with jackpots is 777? I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

So now you know if you start seeing these numbers frequently after setting the intent to win some money, be excited!

However, there will be times where you will see the numbers and nothing happens on that exact day. The timing of the manifestation can never be determined so don’t focus on the time or how it will happen.

Just focus on already having your desire now. That is the key to making things and events happen faster for you.

We create our own luck

The one thing I want people to take away from this post is that we create your own luck. If you visualize it, feel it and just know deep inside that you’re lucky, you will be.

This applies to anything you want to attract into your life. Never put yourself down and say you never win because that’s exactly what will happen. The only person who can stop you from getting what you desire is yourself.

If there is something you really want to manifest, don’t visualize that you will get it some day in the future. Visualize having it now and hold onto that feeling daily.

You have to be consistent with your thoughts and feelings if you want to have any success with this. Synchronicity will help you stay on the correct path by providing you with signs that your desire has already been manifested.

But don’t go looking for signs! they will find you, trust me. The moment you start seeing these numbers all over the place, just know that everything will eventually work out in your favor.

Let me know your thoughts!