The MILD Technique: The Easiest Way To Lucid Dream


The MILD technique is the best place to start for anyone who is just starting to lucid dream. It is easy to learn and results can come quickly as long as you practice it frequently. This technique was originally developed by Dr. Stephen Laberge who is one of the pioneers in the scientific study of lucid dreams and it stands for Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams.

Many of his students had great success with it when it was first introduced many years ago and it hasn’t changed over time. If you’re interested in more of Stephen Laberge’s work I suggest you check his book Exploring Lucid Dreaming. Now let’s get to the technique.

Step 1: Affirm you will remember your dreams.

Right before you go to bed you’re going to want to set up the intent to recall your dreams. So basically you say to yourself “tonight I will remember all my dreams in full detail”.

You can say this a few times to yourself right before drifting off to sleep. This simple affirmation will push your mind to make it a priority to remember your dreams after you wake up. It may take a few nights before it starts working but keep with it and don’t give up!

Step 2: Recall your dreams

Wake up a few hours before your regular time and recall as much of your dreams as you can. The best way to do this is to remain still and keep your eyes closed and just focus on everything you can remember from the dream.

To prevent yourself from falling back asleep you can grab your notebook and just write down everything that comes to mind. The more you actively write it down the more you actually start to remember the dream. It honestly works like magic. If you don’t like writing you can also just do a voice recording on your phone.

Step 3: Focus on becoming lucid

Now you’re going to want to try to fall back asleep but this time focus solely on becoming lucid in your next dream. You can do this by repeating the affirmation: “The next time I am dreaming, I will realize I’m dreaming”.

Say this over and over right until you completely fall asleep. Now what will happen is you will start to question your dream reality more since you programmed your mind to question the dream space. The more you practice this, the more luck you will have in becoming lucid.

Step 4: Imagine yourself becoming lucid.

Imagine that you are back in the dream you just had but this time you realize that you’re dreaming. You can imagine that your hands appeared in front of you or that you noticed something weird that triggered you to realize it’s a dream. Then you want to see yourself doing exactly what you would do if you became lucid. Try to make it feel as real as possible.

Repeat this step and step 3 until you fall asleep. If your mind starts to wander onto different things just keep on bringing it back to your intention of becoming lucid. I recommend you practice the MILD technique early in the morning for the best results.

The reason for this is that your mind is in a lower brainwave state and it’s easier for it to accept your intentions at that time. By holding onto the thought that you will realize your dreaming within a dream you increase the likelihood of you having the same thoughts inside the dream.

As long as you keep practicing this every day, there is no way you won’t have a lucid dream. Try it out and let me know if it works for you!.

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