Where do we really go when we die?


The question of where we go when we die has been on the minds of humans probably since the beginning of time. If you grew up christian like me you were probably told you will go to heaven or hell based on your actions here on earth.

So if you’re bad and do bad things you will burn for  hell for eternity and if you’re good you will get to go chill with God and Jesus for eternity. If you happened to grow up with a different religion it could be that you come back reincarnated or something along those lines.

If you were a terrible person you could have a chance to come back and right your wrongs. To me that sounds more plausible than having one chance on earth to get it right, that just doesn’t make sense to me.

There is also the option that there is no afterlife and we just die. I think this is the least possible scenario but many people believe this to be the case.

I am pretty open minded to all options and wanted to talk about what sounds the most plausible to me. There’s obviously no way to prove any of these theories but I like talking about it nonetheless.

Scenario 1: Checking into the heaven or hell hotel.

Alright so let’s talk about the idea of heaven for a second. The whole concept is that once our physical body is done here on earth it floats up into the sky somewhere and then we get to meet with our creator.

He will essentially talk to you about all the stuff you did here on earth and if you were good you get to chill up in the puffy white clouds for the rest of eternity. You will likely get to see some passed on family members, some famous celebrities and historical figures. It all sounds pretty cool right?

But what if you weren’t good and didn’t follow the 10 commandments strictly like God intended? well i guess you’re out of luck. You will be down in the depths of hell hanging out with Satan and Hitler for possibly millions of years. All because you stole that cupcake from the store in second grade.

Does this sound reasonable to you at all? What really determines if we go to hell versus us going to heaven. Let’s be real, the 10 commandments are broken daily by most people now.

I feel like 95% of the population would be down there burning. I think an all knowing being who created the entire universe would have a better system than that. It just seems old and outdated to me. That’s why I think reincarnation is the most likely scenario.

Scenario 2: Getting a second chance at life aka reincarnating.

Now this is the belief I personally like the most and the one that sounds the most reasonable. I personally feel like I’ve been here before so many times and have had thousands of years of life experiences. I even have dreams sometimes which feel like memories from other lives.

It just doesn’t feel like me in this current time which I know sounds strange but it’s a real phenomena which many people experience. It just makes sense that you would keep coming back because energy never truly dies and all of us are made out of energy

But the question that would be on most of our minds is “why do we keep coming back?”. This is something I think about quite a bit. What is the purpose of this life if when we die we just come back in a different body and forget everything?

My best guess is that we are just here to learn and grow more as a spiritual being. We take everything in during each life and it gets stored in the database so we can just keep getting better and better.

It actually is very similar to artificial intelligence. Maybe there is something in the universe that requires us to learn all these things so we can fix some sort of big cosmic problem. Who really knows, but it’s something to think about!

Scenario 3 : We die and absolutely nothing happens.

I left this scenario last because I think this is the least likely thing to happen. I think if the universe is advanced enough to create life and billions of planets, the least it can do is construct some sort of afterlife.

It would leave so many unanswered questions for all of us. What was the point of all these religious texts, supernatural experiences and ghosts sightings if there is absolutely nothing going on afterwards? It just doesn’t seem plausible to me but i’m not ruling the option out completely.

We could just have one chance at life and that’s it. But that would honestly suck and I truly hope that’s not the case. I think people who were born into abusive families, have rare diseases or who are stuck living in poverty their whole life should get a second go at it.

It just doesn’t seem fair to me. But I guess that’s just how we humans think, the universe could just be relentless and not give a damn about any of us. Nobody will ever know for sure until their time comes.

Let me know what you think happens when we die, I’d love to hear any thoughts or theories on this. I’m open to anything and I look forward to hearing from you.

Let me know your thoughts!