Why you should watch what you think about.


What are you thinking about right now? are you worrying about something? are you thinking about the past or worrying about the future?  take a minute right now and just listen.Most of us aren’t even paying attention to what we think about all day long, we just let it run on autopilot and think the same thoughts 24/7.

Most of the time it’s a negative thought train that our minds ride on and it is very detrimental to our well being. I know I never used to really pay attention to what I was thinking, but once I started to really listen to what was going on up there I didn’t like what I heard and decided I need to change it.

Thinking empowering thoughts vs defeating thoughts.

One of the keys to improving your mental health and your life in general is making the conscious choice to choose thoughts that are empowering instead of defeating.

What I mean by this is replacing thoughts like “I’m a loser and I’m never going to accomplish anything” to something like “I always win and I am constantly improving myself everyday”.

Think about it like this, if you had a friend who kept putting you down and criticized you on a daily basis, you probably wouldn’t be friends with them anymore. That’s what I decided to do, I stopped being friends with my old thought pattern and replaced him with a better more empowering friend.

gorilla sitting alone

Strive to make positive thinking a habit.

It is possible to make positive thinking a habit with a few simple techniques. A good practice that i started to implement was thinking positive thoughts while I did the same mundane things I do everyday like brushing my teeth.

As i’m brushing I will look at myself in the mirror and think thoughts like “I am wealthy, I love myself, I am healthy” etc. You can say it out loud or internally whichever works best for you.

You may not notice any changes the first day but after awhile you will begin a notice a positive change in how you feel. The more you repeat this process every morning, you will also start to notice that you will automatically do it with no effort.

If you don’t want to do it while brushing your teeth you can choose another time to do it. It could be while making your bed, taking a shower, driving to work, etc. The key here is to associate the positive thought practice with something you already to everyday. It will make things a lot easier.

Monkey looking at himself in the mirror.

Is there really any benefit to doing this?

This is probably what you’re thinking right now and the answer is YES. Doing this simple little practice will create a large ripple effect on the rest of your life. You may or may not have heard of the saying “You become what you think about” and it really is true.

I didn’t really believe that until I really started paying attention to what I was thinking about and comparing it to certain events that would happened in my life.

A good example was when i used to have trouble finding parking anywhere I went. I would think to myself, there is never any parking at this place constantly and i wouldn’t find parking.

I switched my thoughts to I easily find parking and the perfect spot is waiting there for me. What do you think happened? I now find great parking no matter where I go. Our internal thought patterns shape what happens to us in the outside world.

It’s not a coincidence, I urge it to test yourself and see what I mean. If you constantly think of the negative you will get negative results but if you switch your thought pattern to positive you will get positive results.

Monkey eating banana

Action Step – Choose 5 positive things to say about yourself daily.

If you want to see any change in your life you have to take action right now and don’t put it off.  I used to be guilty of getting caught in the research loop instead of actually implementing what I was reading about. Don’t do that, grab a notebook and write a list of 5 positive affirmations you will say to yourself while doing your everyday mundane things. Here’s a list of some affirmations you can try.

  • I am constantly improving myself everyday.
  • I am strong and full of energy.
  • I always accomplish my goals.
  • Why does everyone like me so much?
  • Why am I so beautiful?
  • Everything always works out for me.
  • I am the luckiest person ever.
  • Good things keep happening to me.
  • I am brilliant
  • I love myself for who I am.
  • Everyday in every way I am getting better and better.

Those are just a few examples. You can customize it and make them fit to any area of your life where you find yourself thinking self defeating thoughts. It is totally possible for you to change your life by changing your thinking alone.

I encourage you to test it for yourself and see. Try it out for a week and take note of the positive things that start happening to you. Long story short this works! and it’s worth it try. Feel free to leave a comment down below and let me know if it has worked for you.

Let me know your thoughts!